Dr. Julien Curie is a geoarchaeologist and a specialist in environmental archaeology. His research domains are cross-disciplinary (Geology, Geomorphology, Geochemistry, Sedimentology, Archaeology, History) and concern the interactions between past human societies and their environment.
He works since few years – PhD, Research assistant and Post-doc – on continental carbonates in (off-site or intrasite) archaeological context which he studies at different scales using a multiple range of tools – stratigraphical and geoarchitectural analyses, sediment coring, GIS, optical and electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, analyse of the biological contents, etc. Through an interdisciplinary dialogue, these archaeological carbonates preserved in various hydraulic structures (aqueducts, pipes, fountains, pools, etc.) are seen to be reliable palaeoenvironmental archives and represent a true memory of past water managements by human societies.
Dr. Julien Curie is involved in the HYDRΩMED project being the co-head of the palaeoenvironmental research area (axis 1) which includes three main parts:
– Palaeoclimatology: the aim is to provide statistical models of past hydroclimatic parameters and water resources in the Mediterranean area
– Hydrogeomorphology : the aim is to study cored samples of sediments and to analyse aerial and satellite images (GIS) in order to reconstruct past hydrological parameters and geomorphologic processes around several archaeological sites
– Geoarchaeology of anthropogenic carbonate deposits : the memory of waters
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